Wu-Bing Xu, et al. 2023. Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change. Science Advances. 9(14): eadd8553.
Guo W-Y., et al. 2022. High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences. 119(25): e2026733119. Request PDF
Fristoe et al. 2021. Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(22): e2021173118 Request PDF
Kattge et al. 2020. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology. 26(1): 119-188
Macfarlane W.W., J.T. Gilbert, J.D. Gilbert, W.C Saunders, N. Hough-Snee, C. Hafen, J.M. Wheaton, S.N. Bennett. 2018. What are the conditions of riparian ecosystems? Identifying impaired floodplain ecosystems across the western U.S. using the Riparian Condition Assessment (RCA) tool. Environmental Management. 62(3): 548-570. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-1061-2 Request PDF
Macfarlane, W.W., J.T. Gilbert, M.L. Jensen, J.D. Gilbert, N. Hough-Snee, P.A. McHugh, J.M. Wheaton, S.N. Bennett. 2017. Riparian vegetation as an indicator of riparian condition: detecting departures from historic condition across the North American West. Journal of Environmental Management. 202(2): 447-460. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.054 Request PDF
Nackley, L.L., N. Hough-Snee, S-H. Kim. 2017. Competitive traits of the invasive grass, Arundo donax, are enhanced by carbon dioxide and nitrogen enrichment. Weed Research 57(2): 67-71. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12239 Request PDF
Macfarlane, W.W., J.M. Wheaton, N. Bouwes, M.L. Jensen, J.T. Gilbert, N. Hough-Snee, J.A. Shivik. 2017. Modeling the capacity of riverscapes to support beaver dams. Geomorphology 277: 72-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.019 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A. Kasprak, R.K. Rossi, N. Bouwes, B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton. 2016. Hydrogeomorphic and biotic drivers of instream wood differ across sub-basins of the Columbia River Basin, USA. River Research and Applications 32 (6):1302-1315. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2968 Request PDF
Kasprak A., N. Hough-Snee, T. Beechie, N. Bouwes, G.J. Brierley, R. Camp, K.A. Fryirs, H. Imaki, M.L. Jensen, G. O'Brien, D.L. Rosgen, J.M. Wheaton. 2016. The Blurred Line between Form and Process: a Comparison of Stream Channel Classification Frameworks. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150293. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150293 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.G. Laub, D.M. Merritt, B.B. Roper, A.L. Long, L.L. Nackley, J.M. Wheaton. 2015. Environmental filtering and niche partitioning shape the distributions of trait-based riparian vegetation guilds. Ecosphere 6 (10): art173. DOI: 10.1890/ES15-00064.1 Request PDF
Supplemental materials at Ecological Archives
Hough-Snee, N., L.L. Nackley, S-H. Kim, K. Ewing. 2015. Life history strategies explain plant performance under environmental stress: the effects of flooding and fertilization on the growth and allocation of two wetland sedges. Aquatic Botany 120 (B): 151-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.03.001 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton, R.L. Lokteff. 2015. Riparian vegetation communities of the American Pacific Northwest are tied to multi-scale environmental filters. River Research and Applications 31 (9):1151-1165. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2815 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., Pond, R.L. 2014. Amending impaired soils increases seedling growth but reduces seedling survival at a retired gravel mine. Ecological Restoration 32 (3): 231-235. DOI: 10.3368/er.32.3.231 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A. Kasprak, B.B. Roper, C.S. Meredith. 2014. Decoupling geomorphic, climate, disturbance and riparian vegetation effects on instream wood in the interior Pacific Northwest, USA. Riparian Ecology and Conservation 2: 14-34. DOI: 10.2478/remc-2014-0002 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton, P. Budy, R.L. Lokteff. 2013. Riparian vegetation communities change rapidly following passive restoration at a northern Utah stream. Ecological Engineering 58: 371-377. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.07.042 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A.L. Long, R. Pond. 2012. Passive soil manipulation influences the successional trajectories of forest communities at a denuded former campsite. Ecological Restoration 30 (1): 9-12. DOI: 10.3368/er.30.1.9 Request PDF
Macfarlane, W.W., J.T. Gilbert, M.L. Jensen, J.D. Gilbert, N. Hough-Snee, P.A. McHugh, J.M. Wheaton, S.N. Bennett. 2017. Riparian vegetation as an indicator of riparian condition: detecting departures from historic condition across the North American West. Journal of Environmental Management. 202(2): 447-460. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.054 Request PDF
Nackley, L.L., N. Hough-Snee, S-H. Kim. 2017. Competitive traits of the invasive grass, Arundo donax, are enhanced by carbon dioxide and nitrogen enrichment. Weed Research 57(2): 67-71. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12239 Request PDF
Macfarlane, W.W., J.M. Wheaton, N. Bouwes, M.L. Jensen, J.T. Gilbert, N. Hough-Snee, J.A. Shivik. 2017. Modeling the capacity of riverscapes to support beaver dams. Geomorphology 277: 72-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.019 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A. Kasprak, R.K. Rossi, N. Bouwes, B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton. 2016. Hydrogeomorphic and biotic drivers of instream wood differ across sub-basins of the Columbia River Basin, USA. River Research and Applications 32 (6):1302-1315. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2968 Request PDF
Kasprak A., N. Hough-Snee, T. Beechie, N. Bouwes, G.J. Brierley, R. Camp, K.A. Fryirs, H. Imaki, M.L. Jensen, G. O'Brien, D.L. Rosgen, J.M. Wheaton. 2016. The Blurred Line between Form and Process: a Comparison of Stream Channel Classification Frameworks. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150293. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150293 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.G. Laub, D.M. Merritt, B.B. Roper, A.L. Long, L.L. Nackley, J.M. Wheaton. 2015. Environmental filtering and niche partitioning shape the distributions of trait-based riparian vegetation guilds. Ecosphere 6 (10): art173. DOI: 10.1890/ES15-00064.1 Request PDF
Supplemental materials at Ecological Archives
Hough-Snee, N., L.L. Nackley, S-H. Kim, K. Ewing. 2015. Life history strategies explain plant performance under environmental stress: the effects of flooding and fertilization on the growth and allocation of two wetland sedges. Aquatic Botany 120 (B): 151-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.03.001 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton, R.L. Lokteff. 2015. Riparian vegetation communities of the American Pacific Northwest are tied to multi-scale environmental filters. River Research and Applications 31 (9):1151-1165. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2815 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., Pond, R.L. 2014. Amending impaired soils increases seedling growth but reduces seedling survival at a retired gravel mine. Ecological Restoration 32 (3): 231-235. DOI: 10.3368/er.32.3.231 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A. Kasprak, B.B. Roper, C.S. Meredith. 2014. Decoupling geomorphic, climate, disturbance and riparian vegetation effects on instream wood in the interior Pacific Northwest, USA. Riparian Ecology and Conservation 2: 14-34. DOI: 10.2478/remc-2014-0002 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., B.B. Roper, J.M. Wheaton, P. Budy, R.L. Lokteff. 2013. Riparian vegetation communities change rapidly following passive restoration at a northern Utah stream. Ecological Engineering 58: 371-377. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.07.042 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A.L. Long, R. Pond. 2012. Passive soil manipulation influences the successional trajectories of forest communities at a denuded former campsite. Ecological Restoration 30 (1): 9-12. DOI: 10.3368/er.30.1.9 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., A.L. Long, L. Jeroue, K. Ewing. 2011. Mounding alters environmental filters that drive plant community development in a novel grassland. Ecological Engineering 37 (11): 1932-1936. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2011.06.013 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N. and D.D. Cooper. 2011. The effect of perigynia removal on the germination of awl-fruit sedge, Carex stipata Muhl. Ex Willd (Cyperaceae). Native Plants Journal 12 (1): 41-43. DOI: 10.3368/npj.12.1.41 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., J.D. Bakker, K. Ewing. 2011. The long-term effects of initial site treatment on fescue abundance in a novel grassland. Ecological Restoration 29 (1-2): 14-17. DOI: 10.3368/er.29.1-2.14 Request PDF
Hough-Snee N., J.M. Wheaton. 2014. Repairing incised streams with beaver reintroduction and beaver dam analogs, Basin Creek, UT. Design report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Utah State University Fluvial Habitats Center, Logan, UT.
Hough-Snee N., J.M. Wheaton. 2013. Using beaver for stream habitat improvement, Home Creek, UT. Preliminary design report to Utah Division of Wildlife. Utah State University Fluvial Habitats Center, Logan, UT.
Archer, E.K., N. Hough-Snee, A. Van Wagenen, R. Lokteff, B.B. Roper. 2012. The PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO) Effectiveness Monitoring Program and Invasive Plant Species Detection: A Retrospective Summary 2003-2011. USDA Forest Service, Logan, UT. 26p.
Meredith, C., E.K. Archer, R. Scully, A. Van Wagenen, J. Ojala, N. Hough-Snee, B.B. Roper. 2012. PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring Program for Streams and Riparian Areas: Annual Summary Report. USDA Forest Service, Logan, UT. 42p.
Hough-Snee, N., R. Pond, J.W. Jacobson. 2010. The Snohomish County Big Trees Project: watershed scale riparian restoration in the Stillaguamish Watershed, Washington State, USA. Ecological Restoration: 28 (3): 243-245. DOI:10.3368/er.28.3.243 Request PDF
Howell, J.M., N. Hough-Snee. 2009. Learning from a landfill: ecological restoration and education at Seattle’s Union Bay Natural Area. SERNews: The Newsletter of the Society for Ecological Restoration International 23(2): 4-5.
Hough-Snee, N. 2010. The effects of flooding depth, fertilization and initial seedling size on the growth and biomass allocation of two wetland sedges, Carex obnupta and Carex stipata. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 82 p.
PDFs of select peer-reviewed publications, talks, and posters are available at my Researchgate profile and Figshare page.
You can find any of these papers at Google Scholar and Researchgate. My full CV also has a complete list of my scholarly publications.
Hough-Snee, N. and D.D. Cooper. 2011. The effect of perigynia removal on the germination of awl-fruit sedge, Carex stipata Muhl. Ex Willd (Cyperaceae). Native Plants Journal 12 (1): 41-43. DOI: 10.3368/npj.12.1.41 Request PDF
Hough-Snee, N., J.D. Bakker, K. Ewing. 2011. The long-term effects of initial site treatment on fescue abundance in a novel grassland. Ecological Restoration 29 (1-2): 14-17. DOI: 10.3368/er.29.1-2.14 Request PDF
Technical Reports
Hough-Snee, N. and Anchor QEA. 2019. The Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Proposed Project: Cottonwood Habitat Study. Prepared for WA Department of Ecology and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 92 p. Online at:
Merritt, D.M., M.E. Manning, N. Hough-Snee. 2017. The National Riparian Core Protocol: A riparian vegetation monitoring protocol for wadeable streams of the conterminous United States. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 37p.
Hough-Snee N., J.M. Wheaton. 2014. Repairing incised streams with beaver reintroduction and beaver dam analogs, Basin Creek, UT. Design report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Utah State University Fluvial Habitats Center, Logan, UT.
Hough-Snee N., J.M. Wheaton. 2013. Using beaver for stream habitat improvement, Home Creek, UT. Preliminary design report to Utah Division of Wildlife. Utah State University Fluvial Habitats Center, Logan, UT.
Archer, E.K., N. Hough-Snee, A. Van Wagenen, R. Lokteff, B.B. Roper. 2012. The PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO) Effectiveness Monitoring Program and Invasive Plant Species Detection: A Retrospective Summary 2003-2011. USDA Forest Service, Logan, UT. 26p.
Meredith, C., E.K. Archer, R. Scully, A. Van Wagenen, J. Ojala, N. Hough-Snee, B.B. Roper. 2012. PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring Program for Streams and Riparian Areas: Annual Summary Report. USDA Forest Service, Logan, UT. 42p.
Howell, J.M., N. Hough-Snee. 2009. Learning from a landfill: ecological restoration and education at Seattle’s Union Bay Natural Area. SERNews: The Newsletter of the Society for Ecological Restoration International 23(2): 4-5.
Theses and Dissertations
Hough-Snee, N. 2016. Relationships between Riparian Vegetation, Hydrology, Climate and Disturbance across the Western United States. Utah State University, Logan, UT. 176 p. Request PDFHough-Snee, N. 2010. The effects of flooding depth, fertilization and initial seedling size on the growth and biomass allocation of two wetland sedges, Carex obnupta and Carex stipata. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 82 p.
You can find any of these papers at Google Scholar and Researchgate. My full CV also has a complete list of my scholarly publications.